When a chameleon meets a chameleon
By Gilly Ron
When a chameleon meets a chameleon
When a chameleon meets a chameleon, it must be real.
It is the only time it can be itself.
without hiding or wearing a different color.
Possibly for the first time understanding it can be itself.
Not just a reflection, or adaptation to its environment.
No defense, no threats,
it is at the height of its glory,
About the book
I wrote the song When a chameleon meets a chameleon more than 15 years ago, about seven years after the beginning of my conscious journey, in which I began to learn everything I could find about consciousness, awareness, our subconscious programming, brain functions, metaphysics, frequencies and energy.
When a chameleon meets a chameleon, is my journey to meet myself, deep inside, each time crossing more and more filters of beliefs and perceptions and opening more possibilities for creation.
The book includes texts and poems describing personal experiences, insights that became clear to me while studying and investigating and conversations with people I accompanied on their journey. The texts present profound information and knowledge that have helped me and many others.
The book is an invitation to a personal reflection, meeting oneself, to awaken inner knowledge. It touches on the understanding of our essence, our mission, awakening to our powers of creation.
It is an invitation to put question marks in front of ideas and beliefs and the way they apply to life, in relationships with the environment, with the body and with the spirit.
I believe that this is a time to expand the limits of our beliefs, the limits of consciousness, the limits of creation, a time for change for us individually and as a collective.
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Price of two to five books — 78 NIS per book
Price for five books or more — 65 NIS per book
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About the author
Gilly Ron , has been studying and researching the aspects of consciousness and awareness, human subconscious programming and our creative potential for over 20 years. She studied and was trained by the best teachers in Israel and in the world, in various methods such as NLP, Bio-ergonomics, the Nader Bhutto method, Emotional metaphysics, Psych-k and more. She Practices and teaches yoga and accompanying dozens of people on their life journeys.
She has held senior positions in the high-tech world for about 30 years, and is currently a founding partner in a US based venture capital fund that invests in technology in a unique model.
"Your book is so moving, I read and repeat and read and mark parts and read again. I feel like this is exactly what I needed to read to look at life in a new perspective. Thank you for that."
Sharon Israel , CEO and founder of Xtra Mile
"I finished the book on the weekend. It was wonderful and exciting. I marked a lot of parts. I highly recommend diving into the book and reflecting the chameleon within you."
Inbal Perlman , partner in the Tao Ventures capital fund
"Thanks to your book I reach depths I have not been to, it is highly recommended especially for those who do not want to miss the opportunity to experience life and get to know themselves and those around them."
Moshe Atias , Chairman of the Israeli Spirit
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